Monday, May 25, 2009

Better to be an Innocent Bystander.

The Doser received a transcript of Rush Limbaugh's 2002 broadcasted material on the subject of the wildly different ways the 9-11 victims' families were recompensed as compared with the way our combat-killed soldiers' families were recompensed. Limbaugh's figures were probably accurate in 2002. The benefits have been improved, slightly, since that time. It set The Doser to thinking about this matter.

The families of soldiers killed in combat now receive $100,000 as a death gratuity, certain continuing post privileges, a burial stipend of $1,900. The family will get GI Insurance benefit in the amount for which the soldier paid premiums. The family will get standard social security benefits. The Doser's soldier friend said: "Some states also give benefits; don't enlist until you check them."

The 9-11 victims' families received an average of $3.1 million. (The low being $1.85 million and the high $4.7 million.) They will also get the standard Social Security benefits. There seems to The Doser to be a radically unfair disparity in the handling of these two circumstances. In one, the decedents were in the wrong place at the wrong time and were handsomely recompensed. In the other, the decedents volunteered to fight for their country and were killed doing it and are not recompensed anywhere nearly as well.

To gloss over the inequity,totally ineptly, an urban legend was circulated for a while that the 9-11 victims' families were denied the benefits of their own private insurance under their policies' "war" exclusion.

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