Friday, July 24, 2009

Score zero for law; Score one for beliefs.

Did anything positive come out of the camp meeting just concluded in the Clackamas Circuit Court Jury room? It's true that some people don't consider vindication of "faith healing" to be a good thing. The Doser is one of those. Nevertheless, The Doser is able to see the positive things that came out of the trial. One person achieved gratifying epiphanies. Another learned how to live contrary to his convictions in a radically retro community. The judge is unlikely to have a mistrial ruled against him for his televised tantrum. All in all, the big winners are the Worthingtons and their cure-coven. They have come through the fiery furnace just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! They have been persecuted for their faith and had the imprimatur of God's approval sealed upon it! They are martyrs since they'll have a whomping legal bill! All in all, it was a positive experience for them.

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