Saturday, February 7, 2009

Merkley report with technical difficulty

Our new US Senator, Jeff Merkley,
(1) Has been assigned space in the Senate office building - see address below.
(2) Was opposed to the bank bail-out before his election. Has registered support for the President's stimulus package;
(3) Has received four highly respectable committee assignments and - see assignments below.
(4) Has opened an office in Portland - see address below.
(5) Has established an e-mail address for use in contacting him directly - see address below.
(6) Doesn't post his FaceBook often enough. The Doser, and other supporters, want to know more about him personally. Has he found a residence in DC?What are early impressions of what life will be like there? How are his children liking their new school?

SDB-40B Dirksen Senate Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3753

To be posted.

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley committee assignments:
Banking Committee
Budget Committee
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Environment and Public Works Committee.

One World Trade Center
121 SW Salmon St. Suite 1250
Portland, OR 97214
(503) 326-3386


To be posted.

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